The loss of Pope Bear

Over the past couple years I’ve play a lot of Destiny. It’s been a great experience, and I’ve made some really awesome friendships. There have been highs and lows to the journey, and the burn out that comes with a lot of video games. One thing that hasn’t changed the whole time I’ve played the game, is my enjoyment of a certain podcast. The Planet Destiny podcast has been my bread and butter of what is new or coming up in the Destiny world. They have been putting out a podcast since early 2013. I have listened to each of them.  While working construction, I would have one headphone in my ear bringing me the joys of destiny.

When you spend hundreds of hours listening to the same group of guys talk about a game you love, you start to feel a connection to them. Over the life of the podcast, they had many guests and hosts come and go, yet the core held pretty constant. There was Patrick Casey, Tefty Teft, Briar Rabbit, and Pope Bear. These 4 hosts brought me so much Destiny news. I laughed with them, raged with them, and was sad when they were. It was amazing how listening to their conversations I felt part of something larger than myself. They changed Destiny from this game I played, to this amazing community of players all around the world, who were united in their love for the game.

This past week, Pope Bear announced that he would be leaving the podcast. This came as a real shock to me, and to many people. Pope had brought so much positivity to the podcast, he was always a voice of reason. He was such a special part of the team, and his leaving will forever change the podcast. I can remember many times when Pope would share things in a way that was logical and intelligent. He was a role model in the gaming world, and someone who I really admired as a person. There are very few gamers who I looked up to. Pope was one of them, he was such a good example of how a man should act. He was respectful to women, he raised money for charities, and he loved his family. I can honestly say that the podcast isn’t going to be as special without him.

Often we feel that we are just one voice in a storm, that we don’t have the power to change the world. There is so much negativity on the internet, and in the gaming community in general. The loss of Pope will be felt by many. He is leaving the center stage to pursue other things, but his memory will be be forever connected with my love for the podcast and game.  Thanks Pope for all you stood for, and for being such a shining star. I wish you the best with what you need to do.

In conclusion, I will still listen to he podcast, I will still play the game. Yet a part of me will be wishing the community had more people like Pope Bear to be a voice of reason and respect. It really is amazing the influence one person can have on a community of people.

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